For resource planning it is vital to know how the memory usage is changing during night/day time.
Most often the database load varies over time. If you know the hourly usage of the SGA / PGA , you can better plan your resources or tune your instance.
You need to have diagnostic pack for your database to get this information.
Here is a query getting hourly sga/pga memory usages of an Oracle instance.
Most often the database load varies over time. If you know the hourly usage of the SGA / PGA , you can better plan your resources or tune your instance.
You need to have diagnostic pack for your database to get this information.
Here is a query getting hourly sga/pga memory usages of an Oracle instance.
select sn.INSTANCE_NUMBER, sga.allo sga, pga.allo pga,(sga.allo+pga.allo) tot,
trunc(SN.END_INTERVAL_TIME,'mi') time from (select snap_id,INSTANCE_NUMBER,round(sum(bytes)/1024/1024/1024,3) allo from DBA_HIST_SGASTAT group by snap_id,INSTANCE_NUMBER) sga ,(select snap_id,INSTANCE_NUMBER,round(sum(value)/1024/1024/1024,3) allo from DBA_HIST_PGASTAT where name = 'total PGA allocated' group by snap_id,INSTANCE_NUMBER) pga , dba_hist_snapshot sn where sn.snap_id=sga.snap_id and sn.INSTANCE_NUMBER=sga.INSTANCE_NUMBER and sn.snap_id=pga.snap_id and sn.INSTANCE_NUMBER=pga.INSTANCE_NUMBER order by sn.snap_id desc, sn.INSTANCE_NUMBER ;
Sample Output
INSTANCE_NUMBER SGA PGA TOT TIME --------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- 1 69.75 .278 70.028 17-DEC-14 1 69.751 .277 70.028 17-DEC-14 1 69.753 .276 70.029 17-DEC-14 1 69.764 .257 70.021 17-DEC-14 1 69.798 .304 70.102 17-DEC-14 1 69.798 .301 70.099 17-DEC-14 1 69.798 .303 70.101 17-DEC-14 1 69.798 .304 70.102 17-DEC-14 1 69.798 .307 70.105 17-DEC-14 1 69.798 .307 70.105 17-DEC-14 1 69.798 .307 70.105 17-DEC-14 1 69.799 .307 70.106 17-DEC-14 1 69.8 .309 70.109 17-DEC-14 1 69.8 .308 70.108 17-DEC-14 1 69.805 .304 70.109 16-DEC-14 1 69.806 .304 70.11 16-DEC-14 1 69.791 .301 70.092 16-DEC-14 1 69.793 .292 70.085 16-DEC-14 1 69.793 .29 70.083 16-DEC-14
Nice Script, thanks